Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Morality 101:

Morality 101:

I think that you spaced on how this whole “morality” thing works. So let me just clue you in: I offer a suggestion as to what I consider the best and most just course of action to take. Then you either offer a sensible alternative, or we take my approach. We draw both on a variety of resources in arriving at a conclusion that benefits not only ourselves but Justice Itself. If there is no error in my reasoning, or if you can provide no moral alternative, then you have no further say in the matter. I will use my own reasoning to be the final arbiter because – obviously – the conscience governs all. If you are conscientious as well, there should be no issue in arriving at the Universal, with our efforts combined and no ulterior motives that might sabotage us.
I have been competent in this art for a very long time. I have defended many people from injustice of all sorts, even single-handedly. I have placed my focus so much upon others that it has been to the exclusion of myself. This hypocrisy I mean to remedy. Though I never planned that I would have to. I simply have it on the authority of my most recent client that I ought to. And I have it on the authority of my own pain.
You are in NO position to negotiate now. You hurt and disrespected me. You hurt and disrespected my client. This much I know. Clearly you have no interest in my conscience, so I cannot call you a conscientious person. You insist upon dissent even when you have no moral argument to uphold it. You try to accuse me of self-interest when your own hands are red.
This will not fly. Ever. It is fitting that Justice should be “convenient” unto me now because it is owed to me. I owe it to myself. As do you. We are well past the point that a situation of mutual convenience could be attained. You I have to thank for that. Now Justice has turned the tables on you. Any fit of rage on my part is justified by the desperate posture I’ve found myself in, as the result of my own good will and vulnerability combined with your own lack of basic human concern for Others.
*I* am the Other now. You answer to ME. To attack me is to attack all of morality. I am a pillar of morality. Should it fall, it shall rain down upon YOU. Semblance becomes reality in this way: that for all the insincere preaching you should actually have to encounter the fury of an Angry God. That for all your macho posturing you should have to face true Masculinity.
You have no right to raise suspicion against me when your own guilt has all ready been proven. Morality is not something for you to trifle with. It is a Law higher than law. That you fail to comprehend it or to admit to it only reflects your own deficiency of conscience.
You’re damn RIGHT that it’s “convenient” to me. What sets it apart from you is that it’s right. If what is Right is all so Convenient to a person, then that person’s compensation is in order, rather than that person’s condemnation. You cannot ever preclude this possibility of Innocence and Victimhood all because YOU have not been either innocent nor victimized. All of this would occur naturally to a Rational Being. You react to it as though it were a Threat. This will not stand.
You were all ways wrong to behave this way, and now of all times you should see this as an opportunity to turn your life around: now that your most Noble friend must work against you to preserve Justice. Yet you blame the victim. You add insult to injury. You enflame hatred and enthrone madness. I have to ask: when did the Law cease to be the Law when the officer of the Law became a victim? Was it not INEVITABLE that he would be attacked? He could not prevent it; he could not prepare for it, inevitable as it might have been. He was too busy helping others.
So now you think to blame HIM?! You think to defame the Law Itself by misattributing it to its messenger? What right do you have to demoralize me? YOU of all people. You must be psychotic. I of all people have seen you in your depravity; it was I who had to witness it directly as its recipient.
I made myself vulnerable for You and for the Good, believing you to be an ally in this quest, as you’d pretended to value such matters. It was all too easy for you to take advantage of that. But now you think you’re tough enough to take on God Himself by claiming that He is but MY invention?!? You are insane. After all: if any decent man could take the place of God, he WOULD reward me for my valour and my self-effacing loyalty. It would be Fair. I have only to represent myself now in like fashion.
Never again dare say those words: that God and Morality are matters of convenience. It is clearly convenient to you to pretend that is so. I would pardon an offense to me, but not to Them.
Besides: you are of all people the least qualified to contend with God. And I know this better than any other, for the same exact reason that you try to condemn me: That I am a victim of your sin, and I am not so meek as to pass up on Justice.

The punishment does not become alleviated when an officer of the Law is made a victim.
It becomes more severe.
And in this respect we are all officers potentially.
You have simply chosen to turn in your badge.


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