Friday, May 26, 2017

Recovering from Abuse: A Gentleman's Apotheosis.

Nice try. But criminals have no recourse.

I expected some thing intense but this takes the cake.

Here is my formal response:

1. Don't flatter yourself. Most of my weblog has nothing to do with you.

2. I have witnesses who attest to your consumption of illegal drugs. So there's that. Far from this being blackmail, it serves as evidence for a proper cause for my concern. I was all so knowledgeable about your suicidal ideations as well as those of your "friends". When I tried to help, you never tried to stop me. Not with any sort of legal threat, at least. Only as one would expect a poor and damaged young girl to resist assistance.

3. I have made public your love letter to me. This was one of the last few things you sent to me before this sudden (and very creative) legal document.

4. I would have expected a greater degree of transparency from some one who obligated me to promise to give her the Truth. I have only maintained that promise in the Spirit that your "kinder" letters have conveyed: as collaborators with a common goal.

5. Ethics were never your strong suit, as you confessed. What you are demonstrating is a formal step in a three-step process practiced exclusively by people with narcissistic personality disorder. The first step is idealization. The second is disconfirmation and devaluation. Side by side they are stunning in their implication that every thing contained not only in your sweet, carefully cultivated words, but all so in your hostility, is a lie aimed at an ulterior agenda. So fuck you. It was not your loving goodbye alone that was a lie, but our entire correspondence. And that I shall take no blame for. If ethics were truly your concern, you would take responsibility for your own abuses and thank me for reaching out to you in my time of need, as you did for me. You would acknowledge fairly that I all ways did what I could for you, and I was not irrational to expect the same in return. (That reward was never my plan, for neither was the desperate feeling of loneliness you left me in.)

6. You have neither legal advantage nor interpersonal advantage. It is alarming that few people seem to acknowledge the realities of female abuse towards men. Suffice to say, I won't be fooled twice. I have enough experience in life in and out of academia to hold up my end of the case. Besides: I know you're bluffing. You all ready broke a vow higher than the law, if rumours are true. I thought myself slanderous for even regarding them. But now I have little choice, by force of Reason and Intuition. Having won this psychic battle, the legal "battle" will be a minor stain.

7. Yes: I broke rules on your behalf. Be that as it may, we are in this together now. You can't take that back. You are an amateur as a con artist and you know not how to cover your tracks. And your partner in crime need not be held accountable for property damages either. Get my drift? Don't worry: I am discounting you from my property, so the damages you endured are no longer my problem. I am thankful I had the chance to complete my end of this correspondence before reading this. Blame me not that I have only read it just now. After all: many times you have apologized for your reckless impulses and discouraged me from reading what I was right to fear reading. This time, I am fearless as you never could be. Toying with my reputation is incomparable to playing with my heart, and no prison can enslave my mind now that I've survived you. But thanks for the Heads Up, darling.


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