Monday, May 15, 2017

How to Tell if Someone SHOULD Like You.

How to Tell if Someone SHOULD Like You.

It may be a testament to the banality of my exploits on YouTube, but it still bears mentioning that I have noticed this: that there is a proliferation of tutorial videos that tell the viewer how to tell if someone likes him or dislikes him, but I have yet to find a tutorial that tells him whether or not he DESERVES to be liked by a girl of a certain personality type.
The question of entitlement is of course a subtle one, but to that same degree it requires more discussion than this. A man should have enough internal knowledge of his own worth to KNOW for a FACT that he is entitled to a lover before he even breathes a word of seduction unto her. If she refuses, he cannot be called “self-entitled” for dismissing her as self-interested, undignified or whorish. After all: that remains a right of his. A gentleman is made sensitive to his surroundings, and this is his gift to the world: gentleness. If his gentleness is exploited, then he is not to be blamed for the transgressor; the offending party ought to be held accountable instead.
Besides: it is not as though entitlement alone were binding. But a woman who refuses without warrant is a transgressor. And if she too has dropped even a hint of seduction, (a truly rare behaviour in ANY woman, even one of lesser stature) then an apology is in order. In its total absence the man’s anger cannot be a cause for public blame towards him.
He cannot then be called “SELF-entitled” for his aggression, as though that were the cause for his rejection, and not the obverse: that the rejection caused the outward display of aggression on his part. For self-entitlement is only the case in self-interested people, and any one who observes the Universal Dictates of Society can only be “accused” of ACTUAL entitlement. Besides: it is tautological (and nothing more) to insist that the simple ACT of rejection ought to be granted an autocratic authority, without its being weighed against the Social Fabric. I cannot be told that I HAVE TO ACCEPT rejection as though it were DUE UNTO ME, with disillusion, based upon that foregone conclusion, and that it continues to haunt me because I refuse to accept it. That is tautological (of course!) because the foregone conclusion is used to prove its self; it is because I refuse to accept the FACT that I do not deserve love that that FACT persists. My refusal is of course the result of the fact, but the fact is made to be the result of my refusal. No rational person would tolerate such nonsense. This is elementary.
Neither can I be told that any thing is “just me”, as though I were INTRINSICALLY FLAWED. This reasoning is the epitome of Fascism. Every life matters, and so long as an individual observes the necessary dictates of civility then he is deserving. But it is hard to ascertain them now, and neither the Internet (wretched contraption), the Dance Floor, nor the Academic Institution offers an adequate and totalizing answer. SOME of these environments are even so profuse with self-entitlement that they condemn the very QUESTION!!
Some Social Justice this is. If it works for any one person, that person all so cannot deny that it fails, for he will feel the burden of his own PRIVILEGE under this amoral and emotivistic paradigm.


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