Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Dream One:
This one merits the start of a new notebook. My outing last night, infused with my meeting Sarah and singing Karaoke, to say nothing of my meeting Jesse, seemingly delivered me from the usual complexes that haunt my dreams. Perhaps a few of them were touched-upon last night, but for the most part the culmination of the dream is all that I remember.

My family was paying visit to what appears to be a Black Shopping Mall. This was doubtfully the same as the Seven-Story One that I keep coming back to with each passing year, beginning in 2012 or 2013. We began at the very CORE of this one seemingly. Our surroundings were a shade of Onyx or Obsidian.

It resembled most the three-
Story Clothing Stores (like Sears, etc.) that I would visit with Mother and Father back in Baltimore. We stood on a precipice that all so reminds me of various UNDERWATER imagery,
Most notably the first room of the Submarine level from the game ATLANTIS or the walk-through Tanks at the Baltimore Aquarium.

To my right was an escalator with wide, black steps. It was moving downward from our location on the precipice. To my left,
From the opposite end of the Divide, a seemingly identical escalator was Ascending. I made no notice of it at the time that this was true, but it seems now that there was no escalator leading up from the Next Floor Down nor any leading Down from the floor directly overhead of us. This detail, whether or not it had gone noticed by the Crowd surrounding us (or might I call it a Herd?), did not stop them from swiftly occupying the escalators. Upon second thought it does not seem totally unlikely that there were multiple escalators, at least so far as those going downward were concerned, though still none returning from that level. This would make sense of the events that followed. Yet an other explanation is that even as I made my descent I saw the next downward escalator; the floor beneath us had one leading further down, and supposedly this might go on indefinitely if not infinitely.

I do not recall who descended first: my family or me. What I do recall is seeing people, to my right, desperately trying to climb up the down-escalator.

It might have all ready been late for me, as it had been for them, when I beheld this morbid sight, and the contagion of comprehension dawned upon me. It might have been (though this is less likely byfar) that my family had all ready chosen the Descent and I had to follow to rescue them upon sight of this tragedy of herd-people trying to save their-
Whatever the case had been,
I found my family and stuck close by them as we made our compulsory descent through the Shopping-mall catacombs.
I might have led their way, but that is equally unlikely to my having followed them. To assign blame would be asinine. It was rather that we had moved as one unit,

But danger had obligated me to individuate from them. d

Most notable of our descent of our descent into Hell was Mother’s face.
As the light darkened her face grew more and more Anxious.

Finally, I was triggered to enter the Avatar State. My eyes and tattoos lit up. I emerged again on the Central floor. I had to rescue my
a family by spreading word to f
i the People about the trap,
admonishing them and requesting aid in exchange, hoping to reap the fruits of this advocacy should some one spared their fate turn out to have an antidote for it. I was lauded as a Hero. But I did not believe that I deserved (or fit*, if to say ‘undeserving’ is too harsh) the Title.


*(Connotation versus denotation.)f

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