Saturday, May 27, 2017

Recovering from Abuse: DREAM ONE.

Day One Out:

I went to Plan Nine Alehouse. It was during the daytime, so I could get away with it until Chad showed up. I made use of my time to do some research on the local newspaper the place supplied. I was in the company of three others gentlemen in their twenties, all of whom were either friends or acquaintances of mine. We were a pack.
Later, we convened at Christian’s home. Inexplicably I was stark naked after a point; I had my surface clothes on-hand, but I’d misplaced my underwear. Even more inexplicable was the fact that none of the other men seemed really much to care.
I began a conversation with a Hispanic gentleman. He might have been Luis; it’s hard to say. We were seated at a cement-flavoured table at one corner of the largely empty building, a building that resembled overwhelmingly a Christian Mission, not unlike San Diego State had.
I would look  down at myself with some of my usual bashfulness and embarrassment, only to look up and find that I was talking to an other man. It was Christian. He was very sincere and adamant (Adam, the First Man?) about what we were discussing. No attention was paid again to my embarrassing predicament. I forgot it for a few moments.

I know what this dream means, and I can say that without any arrogance.
It is rather ubiquitous, so I shall make clear that it’s point is not lost to me.
No one cares about who I’ve been or what I’ve done. It embarasses only me.
The home of the Arian represents a Fresh Start devoid of ethnic distinction and personal back-stories. It is fitting that the House of a man named Christian is all so in appearance the home of a Religious Commune. And since it is a Mission, it is not an ancient, desiccated orthodoxy, but rather a fresh start in one’s strivance towards Godliness and Human Compassion. It is all so representative of a Common Mission; not coincidentally but fortuitously the bar Anthony and I visited last night I.A.L. was called “Common Theory”.
The dream is one, as I’ve expected, of Youth thriving after Abuse. Chad, the owner of Plan Nine, had kicked me out on Thursday for his enduring prejudices. It obligated me to consider the abusive tendencies of Aries people that I’ve been familiar with since birth, given my Mother as she was at that age-before-sympathy.
The dream represents forgiveness, friendship, and redemption after abuse. My last abusive relationship was with an Aries. But Anthony is an Aries as well. Inspired by Jesus, he led his pack last night I.R.L. as we celebrated Cole’s twenty-first birthday. It was trying to get out again, but all was well. And he attributed his positivity to both his enduring religious studies and his ongoing dreams about me and the spiritual themes we discussed over the years, esp. prior to our most recent (and to him inexplicable) hiatus.

I won’t preclude all so the possibility that this was the long-awaited Vision Dream that, like those back in 2013 that had prompted me to grow my beard, might be inspiring me to shed my old shell and to shave. That is only if Christian is supposed to mirror some part of me in any way. Since I have three Aries placements in my chart, it’s not impossible.


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