Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Futility of Acquired “Experience”.

The Futility of Acquired “Experience”.

Most women in college are not at all impressed with sexual “experience”. Despite the persona of accountability, detachment theory is prevalent in the college environment. What you do does not hold value as more than a story and an experience. It does not improve one’s station or status. Besides: the politics would not allow for it. College students are predominantly neo-Liberal cultural Marxists. Granting “advantage” to a man of greater experience would be to promote impatience, since it would incentivize boys to ACCRUE experience early as though it were work experience. Not only would this privilege the experienced, whose needs are lesser. It would all so PROMOTE COMPETITION. (And no college student wants that, granted that he or she is not a total hypocrite.)
On top of all of that one must remember that these people read Foucault, as evidenced by their espousal of his views. (especially in regards to gender and sexuality, a la his History of Sexuality.) The whole notion that sexuality could be POLITICIZED is heretical to the mind of the contemporary University student.
Last of all one must remember that college students have one chief aim for attending University: education. This education may be carried out in the sexual realm as well. Yet to the same degree that it is carried out it is done in a spirit of inclusion and civility. The more prestigious the institution, the lesser the degree of hazing or disconfirmation. Besides: Foucault himself said that the rapist is simply trying to rebel against the status quo. What sort of contemporary academic would condemn the rapist? If this particular sort of social deviant is perceived to be a problem, it would follow that the school environment suffers from an excess of grouping and a deficiency of Inclusion. But then: the rapist’s condemnation is symptomatic of one other thing: that most college students apparently have no interest whatsoever in sex. They condemn him not for desiring inclusion, but rather for desiring so banal a waste of one’s time. After all: one man’s time belongs all so to all of humanity. And education is not aimed at frivolity.


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