Saturday, May 20, 2017



I will not be accused of self-interest from an inferior moral posture. I have been blameless in carrying out the Greatest Good to the extent of my human ability. I have been hurt by self-interest and self-interest alone, and none of this was my own. I will not be penalized for those needs that I would have had fulfilled under the banner of justice, nor will I grovel before the sheer facts of human – really INHUMAN – depravity, as though that could, against all the instruments of Reason, serve as justification for such wrongs. My passions have been in accord with my spiritual quest, and my wrongdoers had turned from this quest despite my repeated warnings and attempts to nurture. My nurturing has been exploited by moral degeneracy infracting upon innocence, and I only turned from my healing quest when that same degenerate took the innocence of an other whom I’ve loved.  That innocence was mine to absolve in my own; it did not belong to my parasite. He shall never judge of me nor find refuge from my justice, for I know now that he has not lived up to his own moral demands of me. I know this because I have internalized those values and fought the moral fight that he was too great a coward to wage on the sovereign soil of his own Soul. I know now that it is in the nature of a parasite to accuse the host of parasitism, for to demoralize is to draw goodness from a host as a tapeworm draws food from a digestive tract, only to corrupt its name in hypocritical vainglory. A hypocrite must accuse the innocent of hypocrisy, for it is in his nature to make accusations of others that pertain exclusively to himself. A narcissist sees all others as only an extension of his ego.


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