Monday, December 23, 2013

Dream Journal Eighty-four.

            The previous night’s dream was another dramatic departure for unprecedented psychological territory. The atmosphere could best be described in terms of the architecture.I found myself in a thoroughly metropolitan area most reminiscent of Downtown San Diego. The city was somewhere that I had never been to before or otherwise not in a long time. It hadthe impersonal, leviathan austerity of adult responsibility, most akin to the city that Faramir took Frodo , Sam, and Smeagol to, wherein Frodo confronts the Witch-King, ex cept  that its impersonal quality felt more accidental than intentional.


There were three peculiar situations I had to confront:

Each seemed to involve some Other telling me something disparaging about me.

I can remember at least two of these confrontations vividly. The first  was  between only me and  Kresten. He was accusing me of being a homosexual. The second confrontation was between me and either Dylan White or Joon Park, if not both incarnate in one person: The Berkeley  Asian Graduate with glasses, in

which  instance  Mochi would have  likely  been the third constituent, as though he were Andrew and Dylan and Joon were I and Kresten, respectively.

We met I whilst I  was part of a group of old acquaintances on the spectrum of friends at a tiny cafe.  The interior was in shape most apparently the taco restaurant that Kresten and I had gone to the preceding evening in Actuality. It felt by design as though it were the concession stand wherein Grimes dances while the clerk behind the counter swats a  rat  (therat being implied, off-camera) in adjacence to the  light  from the Pepsi machine that partly illumines and glows behind Grimes. It felt Accidentally as  though it were the ice-cream parlour thar  I visited with my family in Downtown when I was bvery young,wherein I looked with envy upon  a twenty- some thing  Korean couple. Its personal environment reminded me  of the  french  bakery that Charlie Brown exited, the butts of the baguette crunching off as they hit the  sides of the door way. It was also reminiscent of the café in the film version of ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows wherein Harry,Hermione and Ron are ambushed by Death Eaters.


Dylan enteredtheshopthrough the transparent front door as I was all ready a part of a group of acquaintencesonthe spectrum of friends seated  about a table.

The cash register was tomy right,nearby,and several olf acquaintances from high school, close merely by virtue of incident and the fact  that  we had been classmates,  ratherthan by some profound moraleffort or shared emotional experience, occupied the seat to my left and the seat across from that one. I was facing the open doorway when Dylan entered. He promptly occupied the chair across from me.


            The weather outside must have been rambunctious. The time of day looks, at one moment in my memory, as though  it  were towards the end of mid-day. There was a cutting brightness of hue that mirrored Dylan’s derision.Yetother attempts to recall it evoke an evening with the same restless foreboding.


The light  overhead had a  vivid and condescending glow: ironically gentle white in the midst of a blue ceiling that, in memory, oscillates between the dark indigo of night and an austere  cerulean blue, with the tenacity of an  Authority.


Dylan*reprimanded me for what I hjad posted to facebook. He was in the guise of Joon now, and it is possible that  he had actually been Joon  consistently.With a  look  of total pity but an unforgiving incrimination anda total absence of understanding, he told me that everyone had seen what I wrote about Dana and that they were in unanimous in regarding this with deepest Shame and even apprehension.My  peers at the table seem to have corroboratedthis. I proceeded to follow the group about a college campus.

We were in a thoroughly civilized,  affluent and unapologetically imperfect Area. It was towards the end of the afternoon. The Sun was setting into a deep blue evening the likes of which Ihad only seen whilst visiting  Dylan  in  Actual Berkeley.




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