Friday, December 20, 2013

Dream Journal Fifty-seven.

Last night’s dream was convoluted and confused.I recall Dana making another and troubling appearance. Parts of the dream were set at Palomar College again. The dream followed a Byzantine and muddledstory  line the likes of which I have not been involved in  in years.The absurdly sedated, amoral character of it seems almost to serve as a mirror for the regression to an adolescent cynicism that  I feel in Actual life.I rode  the Sprinter frequently, but the exact route evades Recollection. I can remember several imperative details, however. I recall, for instance, the train eventually depositing me at a stop that had a mellow hue of mixed custard-yellow and sapphire blue, appearing osatentatious and Socialising. One of the paths may have led me to the hind yard  of  a guest house that was clearly modeled after my own backyard in actual Life.

This grassy expanse, wherein I was a visitor from the foreboding,fading light of dusk  into an intimidatingly social night-time,was particularinthat it merged and was Continuous With the hind yards of  the houses of my neighbours. I had a mission of some sort to complete in a neighbouring yard, from which I would return to a dissipating party, not unlike the cast party at Michael Mufson’s house at the conclusion of ‘Dreamlandia’, part of which had begun to over-flow onto the jade(d) lawn as guests ambled like inquisitive children into the lure of the dark bushes, aesthetically as though to escape the unanimously yellow Christmas lights intertwined with the white boards, grated in part, that comprising the patio roof, as they would have in Actual Life, immersing the scene in the gently ironic, humanely sarcastic glow of a rich vanilla custard,  in part as though one were holding one’s breath in a pool thus illumined in late evening.


Another important detail to note is that, in this dream, my experience was markedly more extraverted. While I rode the same Sprinter (presumably) as I had in prior dreams, the ex[erience was marked by conversation with the Other Passengers, almost akin to the feeling that one would imagine if we were all hostages, but to a markedly less dramatic extent in actuality. Although we were all there of our own Volition, there wasm that notwithstanding, a pervasive, Inclusive feeling that we were  ‘all in the same boat’, oR, in this casem ‘ All On The Same Train’.


A substantial part of the dream, apart from that, was in the mode of a video game. The game was set on an island removed from conventional civilization but not without its establishments. There was a castle on the island that seemed as though it may have been the Shopping Mall.

At one point in the dream, as a somewhat older young man, I joined several friends in traversing an extensive mountain range far removed from the events.It had the mixed feeling of being reminiscent of the hike that I had made with Dylan the prior summer and a level from the Crash Bandicoot series,drawing  upon that adventurous element that ‘Road to Ruin’, from the original game, one of the jungle levels with the Venus bandicoot-traps from the second, and  ‘Orient  Express’, from  ‘Warped’, had in common.


The game, most  akin to a kind of villainous ‘ hide-and-go-seek’, found me eventually trying to flee the Island by virtue of a Rough trail lining the Western coast. Either Sliding running down a hill that was an obvious homage to that familiar slope that runs from the fence of my backyard down to the street, blanketed in ice plant, which I would run down innumerable times in Actuality, I emerged on a trail that hear kened back to one that the Hager family and I had discovered on a larger hill similarly blanketed in their most recent residence. It is important to note that Cindy Hager had tried,*in a meek sttempt at sternness, to forbid her childrenm in either residence,from treading on the ‘ice plant’.

*In Actuality.

Aesthetically,this part of the dream felt like playing the first Monkey Island game, Special Edition, and overlooking the blue map of the first Island.

            It is difficult to discern the course of events.

I recall a scene, perhaps from a prior dream, wherein I was on a train heading North along  the Western Coast.It had undoubtedly occurred at least once before,

In that dream, I found myself taking a detour and emerging part of the way up to my destination to visit a town with the Ocean to its west.

The first time I got out, it was nearing twilight. Upon return, past nightfall, I got out at the stop again.I entered into a tunnel like a Las Vegas hotel wherein a crowd of my peers, predominantly strangers, participated in a competition that involved gathering tiny toys.

I was playing croquet when every-one was impeled by some emergency or custom, and probably both, to evacuate.I tried lingering to finish the game. PERHAPS that had been the predicament at dusk, and this second visit found me showing up just minutes before the evacuation, if not seconds. At either ratem I was trying to recover an(orange?) ball that I had long among a bunch of (green?) marbles.




Ultimately, either by virtue of a train or by escaping the town, wherein I was under constant (?) probation,I emerged, with others, including but not limitedto friends, acquaintances, and strangers who  joined in a celebration of, if not our common life, our common humanity and selfishness on the beach as the day light came to a close with an amber sunset and might prepared to fall.It ultimately did whilst I was swimming in the crashing waves alongside many others. AT that point, the mood and even the colours of the deep azure sky lingering in the south, as though,between the beachand the Ocean, it would be visible at the south end of the inside of a tubular wave, felt exactly akin to Maria playing through ‘Dark Hollow’ in Spyro the Dragon uponrealising that one level remained uninvestigated.


In the town, I had, at one point or another, either in this dream or one prior, been a girl fighting to escape from forces that threatened to destroy her.A monster dogged her through a city that seemed to have been taken from the second Sly Cooper game and coloured over with several vivid shades of blue. The level that it mimicked most was the one set in Prague,, specifically the second.

Somehow, a wave had washed over part of the city and she  managed to escape the monster by virtue of the wave,if not by –and, if so,  probably in addition to- an automobile.

The men that had been hostile towards her had the kind of regard to her, from the outset, that one would expect in an Anime such as Yu-Gi-Oh or a Korean drama: Formal and businesslike, allowing them sufficient time to show their true colours.


The chronology is again nearly impossible to recall, but a mesh of memories is apparent. These are all set in an apartment complex that doubtlessly is that last set of apartment houses at the end of Bernardo Point, if not those immediately leading  into it on this side of the entrance road.


I can remember several different sequences, probably all from different dreams.


I remember ambling into this complex in late day as though to escape something. I was intent on hiding from a peer who patrolled th  sidewalks.I ran about for some time, seeking  shelter in one house that had a resident on the second floor. I quickly earned the mutual distrust of this resident.

I fled to a hill wherein I could find shelter at nightfall in a house if I could complete the video-gamelike climbing challenge toget upthere undetected. I failed.

When I returned to the apartments, the orange liht of dusk broke gray clouds. I met some young Mexican men who appeared to be (Catholic?) monks.We escaped the partments to a monastery or mission by the beach.


Another dream, probably more recent, had me in the same complex on a much more dramatic day tinged pronouncedly with more restlessness and desperation. As though by segue from an episode in high school, I found myself seeking something temporarily in the shadows of these dark buildings that almost sheltered me from the cool, anxious midday Sun. If I was not seeking refuge from the agency that had charged me with this task, I was seeking the fulfillment of a task. One of the houses might have  contained an artifact that could aid me in fulfilling this task,  like a scavenger hunt. I did not find it, however. I returned and was accompanie d bya monster of some sort.


The last of the three recollections, and probably the most recent, had me running from these apartments togetto the beach nearby, fairly early on on a day intensely bright in feeling, to juxtapose the translucent equanimity of the solid blue sky. I had entered these apartments by exit from one of the Back Yards I had mentioned previously.


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