Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dream Journal Forty-four.

            I dreamt that Rob Thomascame into Joann Fabric.He was very modest and down-to-earth.He even reminded meofa fellow that I had helped over the counter onetime.

            The setting wasevening andan evening light grazed the wall to my right.

I spoke with Rob asthough he had not been a celebrity. He was happy to consort with me, There was a slight sadness in his eyes that nonetheless seemed not to disrupt his wholeness of mind.

            As he left, I decided to follow him out. In the parking lot,I called after him.


                        He turned about with a celebrity’s resolved apprehension.

                        ‘How is the next Matchbox Twenty album coming along?’

He replied that it was going well, and then he rushed to get away, embarrassed.


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