Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dream Journal Seventeen.

1.                  Last night’s dream is equally hazy in memory as the previous dream. All I recall are Oleg and Andrew,There was some sort of absurd challenge that I was failing,akin to  a high school test,so the pervasive mood was angsty anxiety.

2.                  I can only guess that it represented College, as well as maybe scholastic education in general.

3.                  There was some sort of a jungle gym or other such array.It was night-time,and I was either charged with orself-appointed the task of finding and caring)or at least keeping a close watch on) for a mentally handicapped person.*


* This may have been inspired by Kresten’s job, in Actual Life, babysittingand escorting an Autistic boy.


The setting was especially Dark,and parts of the dream must have taken on qualities of a video game.


4.                        As I look about my Actual room now, some what horny and possessed of an adolescent ponderance,I am caught by a box of untouched Sudoku cards standing upright with the back, with its price tag, facing me. I am reminded, with

stark vividness, of my SAR Prep cards.

All of my books, in their stacks upon the floor, reflect now not my own Wisdom, suggestingthe author’s own humanity,but the sterility of scholastic knowledgibility, as the cards represent the temptations to pretension, sexually charged at the expense of being emotionally stifled.


      Yet in describing it,the books and cards return to their intimate selves, the eeriness of the pre monition not lost to me nonetheless.



5.                  Parts of the dream had beenset in Palomar College. Buildings—artificicial, sterile, blocky—dominated the twilit scene.


The Sprinter train was there.I kept missing appointments.**


            ** Again, falling short of expectations.


What had set this dream apart particularly  had been the apocalyptic feel  of parts of it.


I  kept going to  a small pizza parlour to buy  pizza, a theme from a younger dream.The pervasive mood was of being Hunted, constantly,  by some domineering, totalitariaentity.


At timesIwould wander about the city with a band of young hoodlums.

The secret wish for the elusive  Modest Mouse record appeared yet again in the midst of all of this. I wanted only to hear the song, but I couldn’t find it.                          dm.A.A.

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