Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dream Journal Forty-nine.

Last night was a return, painfully, to Anxiety. I am rerminded of Franny and Zooey;neglected, my first and second chakra felt oppressed and Rebeled, yet the very act of writing about this seems to send blood back to them.

            The imagery was almost entirely confined towards the first three charkas.

The dream ended with an obsessive strain of thought from waking  life The crippling doubt as towhether one of the poetic forms of the ‘ Temptress’ poem was, in fact,superior to the other.Of course, it is, and the unconscious only meant to portray this neurotic self-doubt  objectively. The Doubt, in fact, is the result of mis-attributing the source of my Mother’s doubt for my own.

Thinking that the Uncertainty emanates from me,I ignore its presence in my surroundings.The doubt in question is an almost pathological inability to trust Feeling ‘under the watchful, Rational eye of my (grand)father.’


Parts of the dream leading upththis ar mysterious. The dream was set in a city that had an almost kitsch aesthetic to it.It was a kind of tourist town that seemed criminally intent upon aspiring to nothing special, but definitely not in a Zen style.

There was one building that I wandered into that I was not  allowed into. It  appeared as a kind of Asian restaurant, yetbehind the scenes, it was a gathering place for a secret society. Sneakingaround the back, I waslike Guybrush Threepwod  in the kitchen in’the Secret of Monkey Island’.

A chinese chef, borrowed precisely from one of the owners of ‘ China Fun ‘ in  actual life,noted my presence suspiciously and withdrew into the kitchen before I could feel impeled to justify myself.


            At one point,I became lucid. Either I was lucid  or  the dream had me believe that it was so.


At first,I did not know what to do with my lucidity.I was primarily afraid of losing it. My very  attempts  to maintain what little control I had over the dream obscured any  Recollection of facts from conscious life, which would at least have confidently  affirmed the fact that I was dreaming.It may be a test ament to the mysteriousness of dreams that neither the conviction that they are ‘unreal’ nor (m)any of the conventional conscious attitudes arise while the dream is in progress. Perhaps it is that what the conventionalmind regards as ‘R eality’ is merely a fluke of Intent. This would suggest that our natural goal in lifeis not to perfect consciousness buttobecome Lucid in both waking life and  Sleep.


At any rate, emotional maturity prevented any fluke of Intent in this case. I remained Lucid,ambling about the city as if to maintain Lucidity by walking.


Fairly Soon, I settled upon a habitual fantasy.I tried to Will that the dream bring me Aisha ben Hassine,as a sexual partner. I returned to the Asian restaurant. I ascended the tiny staircase that led to the secret entrance.Passing through the room where I was originally spotted, now desert-ed, I passed in through the kitchen to a bedroom on the second floor of the building. I had already been there.


            Aisha was not there.I did not see her at all throughout the sourse of the dream.


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